The 1st day of my holiday

Posted by sweetcoffee | Posted in | Posted on 23:33

This should be written earlier but the holiday is so packed and busy >.<
So until now I only can update my blog~

The 1st day of my holidays

I went to Times Square with my classmates and of course my girl girl.
We met around 10am and went there by bus~

Our plan started with Cheong k 1st... but we were late already as we booked at 11am. We reached there around 11.30am... luckily that there was a room for us~

We had a good time when sing k, and they were so high =='' We hadour lunch at there also.

We sang about 2 hours then it's time to "check out" but 2 hours wasn't enough for us = =" haha
After that, they went shopping and shopping~

Around 5pm, we decided to go back already but before that, we planned to have desserts at Sungei Wang- Snowflake.
This was my 1st visitation to snowflake and the funny thing was I know nothing about snowflake==''

Oooo~ these were our desserts. haha...1st time had these~ the taste of the desserts were....hmmm~ not bad!

We backed to college around 6pm by Monorel and LRT~
We accidentally met some hostel friends as they're also Ex yu hua students.

Haha, such a nice 1st day of holiday with them~

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