stay tuned

Posted by sweetcoffee | Posted in | Posted on 01:24

these few days are bit busy and rush,
After genting highland trip,

next trip will be Cameron Highlands trip~

will update my blog when i get back again~

Next highland~ i am coming^^~

Hopefully this is a good start~

Posted by sweetcoffee | Posted in | Posted on 02:42

Well, like the topic above, I hope that I can have a good start to learn English by writing blog~
Hope can improve my essay, my grammar through blogging >.<

Okay, so I'd like to share my college life before sem break and this implies that MY EXAM IS OVER! Hurray~~~~haha

We actually have a plan after exam.

We planned to go to the Ramadhan stalls and Mcd at Jusco to have dinner with my hostel friends, classmates and my girl girl also~
We went there by bus and we walked to Ramadhan first~

We bought some Murtabak, chicken puffs, and my friend bought rice with rendang chicken...
After finished walking the Ramadhan stalls, we walked into Jusco, my girl girl and her friends looked so excited when they saw so many "discounts" inside there,haha, so cute~

But that time was our dinner time, we went to Mcd and had our dinner~
In Mcd, we met a cute cute baby >.< she was a girl, and scared when we went near to her,she almost wanted to cry... haha

These were our dinner~

After we've finished our dinner, haha, it was my girl girl's shopping time with her friends, before they started shopping, they went to game part to play game =.=
In the process of shopping, we accidentally found out one of our friends 's birthday is around the corner,so we decided to celebrate with her before she went back to her hometown.

We went to Secret Recipe to buy a cake and sang a birthday song to her~

But that time we just had our dinner, so all of us were very full~
My girl girl had an idea that she asked all of us to play a game and through this game, the "unlucky" one had to eat the cake >.<
haha~such a nice idea but= = she and me were the unlucky one >.<

After everything had done , the clock showed us 9pm and we decided to go back to hostel~
This was the day we finished our last paper >.< Quantitative Studies~
